Sunday, June 8, 2014
Obama Adviser: Rising Sea Levels Threaten Military Bases: ‘Where Will We Move Them?’
Obama Adviser: Rising Sea Levels Threaten Military Bases: ‘Where Will We Move Them?’
June 5, 2014 - 4:17 PM
Hill, senior advisor for Preparedness and Resilience to the assistant
to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, spoke at an
American Association for the Advancement of Science conference on June
5, 2014 in Washington, D.C. ( Starr)
“If our key military bases were severely damaged by extreme weather or if they’re just threatened by sea level rise so that we have to be thinking, ‘Where are we going to move them?’” said Hill, who was a Superior Court judge in Los Angeles before she was appointed as counsel for the Department of Homeland Security by then-Secretary Janet Napolitano in 2009.
Hill quoted Secretary of State John Kerry ahead of her remarks about the military and said climate change will “affect virtually every country on earth.”
“As Secretary Kerry has recently noted, climate change can produce effects similar of those of weapons of mass destruction,” Hill said.
“We know that climate change will affect virtually every country on earth,” Hill said. “It is, after all, global climate warming.
“Other nations around the world are also viewing this as a national security risk,” Hill said citing the American Security Project, which she said found 70 percent of countries around the world have addressed climate change as part of their national security strategy.
“We know, for example, that climate change will affect water security; food security, energy systems and the stability of our infrastructure,” Hill said. “It could, for example, affect our military mission.
“If our key military bases were severely damaged by extreme weather or if they’re just threatened by sea level rise so that we have to be thinking, ‘Where are we going to move them?’” Hill asked.
Hill began her remarks by describing her work at the White House and its connection to climate change.
“My work in particular focuses on the intersection of climate change and national security,” Hill said. “I work on the National Security Council staff, and let me make clear that [climate change] is viewed as an issue of national security,” Hill said.
Joel Osteen Tour Ticket Prices Reach $850: Cost Of Gospel Hits All Time High!
Joel Osteen Tour Ticket Prices Reach $850: Cost Of Gospel Hits All Time High! Houston Bureau 06/06/2014
According to Essence Music Festival - a 3 day pass to see Prince, Lionel Richie, Mary J Blige, Erykah Badu and more on (July 4-6, 2014) in New Orleans is only $249, with 111 tickets remaining. Considering that lineup of Superstar Talent, how much would you pay to hear “Christian Superstar” Joel Osteen preach the Gospel of Jesus? According to, ticket scalpers are selling tickets for The Joel Osteen Tour for as much as $850. SEE COST PER SEAT!
On the site, tickets for this event are being resold by Ticket Scalpers therefore the price is currently ranging from $18 in the Nose Bleed Seats, all the way up to $850 if you desire to look directly up Joel Osteen’s Nose. is also reporting that the normal cost of tickets in Delta Suit B without the Scalper mark up is $592.
Since when did scalpers start scalping church tickets you ask? Since 2005, when Joel Osteen proved he could sellout a stadium. Traditionally ticket scalpers are only interested in sold out events. Apparently the scalpers feel this event will sell out, and fans of Joel Osteen are willing to pay their asking premium. Regardless of the Performer on the stage - even if that performer just so happens to be a Preacher, the scalpers somehow seem to know how to make a profit, and they’re planning to profit as Joel profits
For some crazy reason Christians are willing to pay the high cost of these tickets just to get a front row view of Joel Osteen, prices that even tower above “A List” performers like BeyoncĂ©.
Get Breaking News On Pimp Preachers Like our Facebook Fan Page or our Twitter Page!
We did a little research on the cost of concert tickets for Joel Osteen as compared to other performers, and the cost for Pastor Osteen ranks near the top of all tours this summer. For a “Cover Artist” who simply recaps the Greatest Hits of Jesus Christ, Joel Osteen makes Jay-Z look like a one hit wonder.
Listed below are ticket prices for other concert tours of well known artists.
Average Concert Ticket Prices
10. Paul McCartney/The Beatles
Avg. concert ticket cost: $241
9. Pink
Avg. concert ticket cost: $270
Avg. concert ticket cost: $270
8. Fleetwood Mac
Avg. concert ticket cost: $282
Avg. concert ticket cost: $282
7. Beyonce
Avg. concert ticket cost: $282
Current tour: The Mrs. Carter Show
Most recent album: Beyonce (2013)
Avg. concert ticket cost: $282
Current tour: The Mrs. Carter Show
Most recent album: Beyonce (2013)
6. Roger Waters
Avg. concert ticket cost: $314
Current tour: The Wall Live (ended in 2013)
Most recent album: Ca Ira (2005)
Avg. concert ticket cost: $314
Current tour: The Wall Live (ended in 2013)
Most recent album: Ca Ira (2005)
5. Justin Timberlake
Avg. concert ticket cost: $339
Current tour: The 20/20 Experience
Most recent album: The 20/20 Experience (2013)
Avg. concert ticket cost: $339
Current tour: The 20/20 Experience
Most recent album: The 20/20 Experience (2013)
4. Eagles
Avg. concert ticket cost: $354
Current tour: Unnamed
Most recent album: Long Road Out of Eden (2007)
Avg. concert ticket cost: $354
Current tour: Unnamed
Most recent album: Long Road Out of Eden (2007)
3. Maroon 5
Avg. concert ticket cost: $364
Current tour: Unnamed
Most recent album: Overexposed (2012)
Avg. concert ticket cost: $364
Current tour: Unnamed
Most recent album: Overexposed (2012)
2. One Direction
Avg. concert ticket cost: $460
1. The Rolling Stones
Avg. concert ticket cost: $624
On Thursday morning, two seats in the first row of the stadium’s
Delta Suit B were for sale on eBay and StubHub for $850 each. Andrea
David a spokeswoman for Lakewood Church and Joel Osteen Ministries said
“We’ve had this issue since we started doing tours about 10 years ago.
We encourage people to get their tickets from the official venues or our
website or ticketmaster.”Jesus Has Left The Building!
Something about this just feels wrong - kind of like Matthew 21:12-13 wrong. It’s true that this event is in Yankee Stadium and not in a traditional church building, but we (The Believers in Christ) make up the True Church. My question for Joel Osteen and his wife is why have this Christian Gathering in Yankee Stadium where there is already fixed cost involved?
No matter how Lakewood Ministries attempt to spin this event - it is 100% about selling the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What I find totally skanky is how Joel Osteen has made more money of the Bible than Peter, Paul, Timothy, Luke, The Sons of Zebedee, Mary, Malachi, and our Lord Jesus Christ (just to name a few). This Gospel was given Free Of Charge for our guidance,reflection, instruction, and connection with our God. Any gathering of Christians should be Free Of Charge just in case those who desire to convert from Islam or Hinduism are present, and in a same manner as the Great Apostles - we gain the opportunity to participate in The Great Commission.
Yes Joel Osteen is a Rock Star - but not for Christ. This upcoming tour is for the sole purpose of selling his products, and the promotion of his brand, none of which is in the service of our Lord. So to Joel Osteen I say "Rock On" and "Everyday You Hustling" and "Don’t Stop Until You Get Enough" just as long as you never make the mistake of calling yourself a Christian Pastor. Because you’re not a Christian Pastor, and your ministry is for Christian Entertainment Purposes Only.
To Pastors like Joel Osteen
God has sent us, the followers of Christ who preach the Gospel for Free to deliver a firm Cease & Desist Letter in the name Jesus. Freely you received this Gospel, and Freely you were ordered to distribute it. If you are a fan of Joel Osteen and considering paying $850 just to be close to him - then Joel is your Jesus. Finally!
How great this event could be if it was free of Charge - like Diana Ross free concert in Central Park in 1983. Just a thought Joel Osteen, just a thought.
This is not the first time we have covered the enormous cost of Joel Osteen’s Gospel - please read Pay Per View Jesus!
Get Breaking News On Pimp Preachers Like our Facebook Fan Page or our Twitter Page!
Saturday, June 7, 2014
ran and the Muslim Brotherhood advance their plan to destabilize Egypt and overthrow President el-Sisi and the newly elected government
ran and the Muslim Brotherhood advance their plan to destabilize Egypt and overthrow President el-Sisi and the newly elected government
Iran is planning an offensive against Egypt not only from the west (Libya), but also from the south (Sudan). If previous stories posted here are accurate, Turkey, Qatar, and the U.S. also seem to have a hand in this.
Ousted Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, Muhammad Morsi, had close ties with Iran from the beginning
Gatestone The Iranian regime’s new enemy, it seems, is Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Iran’s mullahs apparently fear Sisi’s secular stance against Islamist movements, and see him as an obstacle to Iran’s future influence in the Middle East.
According to the Jordan-based media outlet Al-Bawaba, Iran is determined to put an end to el-Sisi’s rule by training the Libya-based Islamist group known as the Free Egyptian Army [FEA]. The FEA is composed of both Egyptian jihadists who went to fight in Syria during the rule of Egypt’s former President, the Islamist Mohamed Morsi, as well as other Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood militants who fled from Egypt to Libya after Morsi was removed from power.
According to Al Bawaba, personnel of the Quds Force — the special-forces arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps [IRGC] — arrived in Libya to train the FEA in Misrata, northwestern Libya. Quds Force officers met with FEA leaders — reportedly Abu Dawud Zouhairi and Karam Amrani. There, Lebanese jihadists coming from Syria and led by Abu Fahed Al-Islam also joined the FEA.
The Egyptian newspaper El-Watan reports that the Iran has also deployed Quds Force personnel to Sudan, to take advantage of the deterioration of the relationship between the Islamist-led Sudanese government and Sisi’s Egypt, and is now training Muslim Brotherhood militants in Sudan. A Jordanian newspaper, Al-Arab Al-Yawm, confirmed the news, and reported in addition that Iran is organizing violent operations to destabilize Egypt from Libya and Sudan.
Although in the Middle East, Sunni and Shia factions usually fight each other, this time an unholy Sunni-Shia alliance has been formed between Shia Iran and the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood to fight their common enemy: el-Sisi.
Iran’s Hassan Rohani has close ties with Turkey’s Muslim Brotherhood prime minister Recep Erdogan
For years, Iran’s regime has dreamt of seeing the Muslim Brotherhood rise in Egypt as part of a plan to Islamize the Middle East. In this vision Iran would take the leadership role — brushing aside that for years, Iran and Saudi Arabia have jockeyed over who would assume the leadership of the Muslim world. As the Muslim Brotherhood has always been opposed to the Saudi Kingdom, it was taken for granted that an Egypt governed by the Muslim Brotherhood would be the natural ally of Iran.
As Iranian author and journalist Amir Taheri describes in the Saudi-owned newspaper, Asharq Al-Awsat, Iran cherished Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood-backed former President, Mohamed Morsi. Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Morsi, Taheri writes, were supposed to symbolize the triumph of Islamic fundamentalism. The leadership in Tehran apparently also felt that it had to “profit from its political, propaganda and even financial investment” in ensuring Morsi’s election.
Khamenei took care to woo the newly-elected Morsi to bring Egypt to Iran’s side. He even started speaking about an “Islamic Awakening” in Egypt, and hinting that what was happening in Egypt was similar to Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. The Iranian Ministry for Culture and Islamic Guidance, according to Taheri, even decreed that the media should no longer use the phrase “Arab Spring,” but “Islamic Awakening.”
“This is an Islamic awakening inspired by Imam Khomeini’s revolution in Iran,” the Iranian diplomat and Khamenei’s long-serving adviser, Ali Akbar Velayati said, in a presumed attempt to have Iran adopt paternity for the Arab Spring.
The Iranian regime now has long-term plans, and the Muslim Brotherhood needs the help of Iran to fight their common enemy: Egypt’s President el-Sisi. Should they succeed this time, Iran will no doubt demand that the Muslim Brotherhood publicly recognize Iran as the leader of the Muslim world.
Barack Obama's choice for CIA chief 'converted to Islam' former FBI agent claims John Guandolo claims John Brennan converted while in Saudi Arabia Former FBI agent says Mr Brennan visited Mecca and Medina during Hajj
Barack Obama's choice for CIA chief 'converted to Islam' former FBI agent claims
- John Guandolo claims John Brennan converted while in Saudi Arabia
- Former FBI agent says Mr Brennan visited Mecca and Medina during Hajj
09:54 EST, 12 February 2013
11:33 EST, 12 February 2013
The incoming head of the CIA
converted to Islam while working as a station chief in Saudi Arabia in
the 1990s, a former FBI agent has claimed.John Guandolo, who retired from the FBI in 2008, said in a radio interview that John Brennan - who has been nominated by Barack Obama as the new director of the CIA - visited the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina accompanied by Saudi officials who may have persuaded him to convert.
Mr Guandolo's tale echoes elements of the plot of hit show Homeland, in which U.S. Marine Nick Brody converts to Islam while being held prisoner by al-Qaeda, only to begin working for the CIA after his release.
Scroll down for video
Accusations: John Brennan (right) has been nominated as the new Director of the CIA by President Barack Obama
The ex-FBI agent told the radio station Mr Brennan was 'unfit' to take charge of the CIA, and claimed U.S. government officials based in Saudi Arabia during that period 'were direct witnesses to his growing relationships with individuals who work with the Saudi government and they witnessed his conversion to Islam'.
Homeland: The hit show sees Marine-turned-terrorist Nick Brody begin working with the CIA
Converted: Brody, seen preparing to pray in an
episode of Homeland, hid his new faith from his family upon his return
to the U.S.
Mr Brennan, 57, has spent more than three decades working in intelligence.
was nominated as the new head of the CIA on January 7 by President
Obama, after predecessor General David Petraeus was forced to resign
amid a scandal surrounding an affair with his biographer.In the critically-acclaimed series Homeland Lieutenant Nick Brody was 'turned' by his captors during an eight year stint as a prisoner of war.
Upon his release he is welcomed back to the U.S. as a war hero and soon attracts the interest of high-level politicians who encourage him to run for Congress. But the newly devout Muslim is secretly working for terrorist Abu Nazir.
The second season of Homeland sees Brody forced to begin covertly helping the CIA in its hunt for Nazir after his cover is blown by agent Carrie Mathison.
The CIA is yet to respond to the MailOnline regarding Mr Guandolo's claims.
VIDEO: Ex-FBI agent John Guandolo on CIA nominee John Brennan
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Judge Jeanine: VA 'crimes' are 'impeachable' To Obama: 'Admit this job is just too much for a community organizer'
Judge Jeanine: VA 'crimes' are 'impeachable'
To Obama: 'Admit this job is just too much for a community organizer'
Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the
Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he
covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and
homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has
been used commercially.
“Criminally negligent homicide. Involuntary manslaughter. Falsifying records. Obstruction of justice. Tampering with evidence. Obstruction by intimidation,” she ticked off in a commentary.
“Because of the intentional wrongdoing on the part of VA employees, veterans were left to die,” she charged. “Premised on the oldest of motives: greed.”
Obama, she said, has “brought disgrace on our nation and [it] should be an impeachable offense.”
“Mr. President, we are weary of your fake outrage and your claim that bad news just doesn’t get to you. … Why don’t you just admit this job is just too much for a community organizer?”
It wasn’t the first time she’s called for impeachment.
She uncorked a blistering verbal assault on Obama in connection with his handling of the fatal attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, and the subsequent cover-up.
“Mr. President, it’s called an abrogation of duty,” Pirro said. “You have not taken your oath to honestly and faithfully execute the duties of your office. As commander in chief, you have NOT protected us. This dereliction of duty as commander in chief demands your impeachment.”
The definitive case for removing Barack Obama from office is presented in “Impeachable Offenses” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.
The idea recently was broached in response to Obama’s exchange of five Taliban leaders for an Army soldier who has been accused by his former colleagues of desertion.
Former Rep. Allen West, R-Florida, said, “I call upon the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives; Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to draft articles of impeachment.”
Fox News judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano supported West’s opinion.
“We have a federal statute which makes it a felony to provide material assistance to any terrorist organization. It could be money, maps, professional services, any asset whatsoever, include human assets,” he said.
Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, who said it’s clear “high crimes and misdemeanors” were committed in Obama’s deal with terrorists, also talked of impeachment.
“This was about emptying out Guantanamo,” he said. “This was a backdoor deal. The reasons for it, the details of it will probably never come out in its entirety, but this is an ugly story.
“It was really bad form for him not to at least call in the chair and ranking member of the intel or armed services committee and tell them what he was about to do with regard to the release of these prisoners,” he said. “It’s an example of how this president only obeys the laws and follows the policies that he wants to. In our Constitution, it falls under the category of high crimes and misdemeanors, where you just selectively obey certain laws and ignore others.”
Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin:
It has been called a blueprint for impeaching Obama, outlining the high crimes, misdemeanors, bribery and other offenses committed against the U.S. Constitution.
The Daily Mail called “Impeachable Offenses” “explosive,” saying the book contains a “systematic connect-the-dots exercise that the president’s defenders will find troublesome.”
Among the offenses enumerated in the book before the Bergdahl deal erupted:
- Obamacare not only is unconstitutional but illegally bypasses Congress, infringes on states’ rights and marking an unprecedented and unauthorized expansion of IRS power.
- Sidestepping Congress, Obama already has granted largely unreported de facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens using illicit interagency directives and executive orders.
- The Obama administration recklessly endangered the public by releasing from prison criminal illegal aliens at a rate far beyond what is publicly known.
- The president’s personal role in the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack, with new evidence regarding what was transpiring at the U.S. mission prior to the assault – arguably impeachable activities in and of themselves.
- Illicit edicts on gun control in addition to the deadly “Fast and Furious” gun-running operation intended, the book shows, to collect fraudulent gun data.
- And more.
“But White House lies about Benghazi are only the tip of what is really a very large impeachment iceberg,” he wrote in a commentary on WND. “We will hear many pundits say that whatever the truth of what happened in Benghazi, it’s ‘only politics’ to lie about foreign events during an election campaign, and so, it’s not a scandal on the scale of Watergate. That argument misses the point that what Benghazi and Watergate have in common: What brought Nixon down was not the crime but the cover-up. And when it comes to cover-ups, Obama and his team make Nixon look like a rank amateur.”
He continued: “There is a pattern here of abuse of power through the deliberate disregard of constitutional norms and standards. And what makes that pattern so egregious and dangerous is the participation of a partisan media that actively supports and condones the ongoing cover-ups of Obama’s arrogant disregard of the Constitution.”
A political blockbuster and guide for Congress to draw up articles of impeachment – Aaron Klein’s “Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office”
The list of leaders who have discussed impeaching Obama is growing.
U.S. Senate candidate Mark Callahan, who recently called out a reporter who apparently was disrespectful to another candidate, according to Now Renew America, has signed a “Pledge to Impeach. It calls for members of Congress to agree to “acknowledge that my sworn oath of office, if I am elected, will require me” to “support the initiation of House impeachment proceedings against President Barack Hussein Obama, and his inner circle.”
It was Washington Post commentator Paul Waldman who reported the impeachment drive has gone mainstream.
“Now we have the Benghazi select committee, and a select committee is what you form when there may be crimes and misdemeanors to uncover,” he pointed out.
“It has no other business to distract it, and it will be led by Trey Gowdy, a former prosecutor who excels at channeling conservatives’ outrage,” Waldman wrote. “To be clear, this doesn’t mean that [House Speaker John] Boehner or the party establishment he represents want impeachment, not by any means. They realize what a political disaster it was when they did it in 1998, and they understand that the effects would likely be similar if it happened again.”
But Waldman wrote that “there are multiple Republican members of Congress who have at least toyed with the idea, and the committee’s hearings could build pressure in the Republican base for it.”
Among the people who have raised the prospect of impeachment are Watergate reporter Bob Woodard, actor Steven Seagal, Ambassador Alan Keyes, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin and Oliver North, the former Marine Corps lieutenant colonel first known for his testimony as a National Security Council staff member under President Reagan.
“Tragically, this administration has gotten away with things that any other president would have been impeached for,” North said. “There’s no doubt in my mind.”
Seagal, whose dozens of films feature action and violence but also have an underlying theme of seeking justice, said Obama would be impeached if the truth about the Benghazi attack was revealed.
His charge came Feb. 22 in an appearance at the Western Conservative Conference in Phoenix
“Never in my life did I ever believe that our country would be taken over by people like the people who are running it this day,” said Seagal.
“I think that when we have a leadership that thinks the Constitution of the United States of America is a joke, when we have a president who has almost 1,000 executive orders now, when we have a Department of Justice that thinks that any kind of a judicial system that they make up as they are going along can get by with whatever they decide that they want to do – like Ted Nugent said the Fast and the Furious, what’s happening with the Fast and the Furious? What’s happened with the truth about any of the greatest scandals of American history that have happened right before our eyes?” Seagal said.
“If the truth about Benghazi were to come out now, I don’t think that this man would make it through his term. I think he would be impeached,” he said.
Seagal has company in his worries.
Sign the petition urging Congress to pursue impeachment right away!
As WND reported, Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely said it’s time for millions of Americans to “stand up” to a federal government that is “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws.”
He’s calling for marches, a legislative vote of “no confidence” in President Obama and congressional leaders, even citizen arrests, drawing inspiration from the 33 million Egyptians who stood up to their government and removed Muslim Brotherhood officials from office.
The impeachment drive has been fueled by Georgetown professor Jonathan Turley’s congressional testimony.
The liberal professor has represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war, represented workers at the secret Area 51 military base and served as counsel on national security cases. He now says Obama is a danger to the U.S. Constitution.
Read the definitive case for removing Barack Obama from office in “Impeachable Offenses” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.
He was addressing a House Judiciary Committee hearing Dec. 4. Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., asked him: “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”
Turley replied: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”
Congress already is addressing charges that Obama is violating the Constitution.
WND reported when Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Obama’s actions have reached “an unprecedented level, and we’ve got to do something about it.”
Gowdy cited Obama’s decisions to ignore certain immigration laws, even though Congress did not approve the changes. He also cited arbitrary changes to the Obamacare law and Obama’s “recess appointments” of judges even though the U.S. Senate was not in recess.
His proposal is for Congress to take the White House to court over the president’s actions, through a resolution proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-S.C., that would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. It has 118 co-sponsors.
Rice said that because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president.”
“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” he said.
A Fox News interviewer asked Gowdy if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.
“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”
WND reported that it was at the same hearing that Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute, said there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”
“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” he said.
“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”
Cannon said it is “very dangerous” for the president to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”
Several members of Congress also contributed their opinions in an interview with talk-show host Sean Hannity.
See the Hannity segment:
“You can’t impeach the first black president,” he said on his radio show recently. “No matter how corrupt or lawless.”
But he said the danger is very high, citing Boehner’s recent comments that the House wouldn’t adopt amnesty legislation this year because the president probably wouldn’t follow it.
“This is the president of the United States effectively nullifying the legislative branch of government,” an outraged Limbaugh said. “He’s basically saying … and he has in practically these words, said this, ‘I got a pen and I got a phone and if they don’t do what I want I’m going to it anyway.’
“That’s not a ho-hummer to me. That is major. If the chartered body in our government that makes the law decides not to because they don’t think it’ll matter, because the executive branch will just ignore it, I mean that’s a breach of serious proportion,” he said.
“That is a constitutional challenge and crisis that is very real that nobody apparently has the courage to do anything about because of the president’s race,” he said.
Ambassador Alan Keyes, however, wrote in a WND column that Limbaugh isn’t right about impeachment.
“When Rush Limbaugh says that ‘efforts to try to have Obama impeached or held personally responsible for these scandals is a bunch of wasted effort,’ he is saying that, on account of the politics of our times, this fundamental aspect of the U.S. Constitution no longer matters. With all due respect to Rush Limbaugh (and my respect for him is sizable and sincere), I beg to differ. The judgment about ‘wasted effort’ depends on what we’re trying to achieve. If politics is just a partisan game, with no goal but to score points for one side or the other, it may be reasonable to conclude that impeachment is a wasted effort. After all, the Democrats who control the U.S. Senate will never allow Obama to be removed from office. Doesn’t this make impeachment impossible? ”
He continued: “Mr. Limbaugh is right to assume that impeachment is inherently political. In this respect his view accords with that of Alexander Hamilton, who wrote (in Federalist No. 65) that ‘… the subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed … from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.’”
But Keyes said: “The difference between Limbaugh and Hamilton, however, is that when Mr. Limbaugh speaks of politics he is referring to the competition of partisan factions. But for Hamilton politics means the business of citizens, i.e., individuals characterized by their concern for the common good of their society as a whole, not just their own personal, factional, partisan interests. From Hamilton’s perspective, the way elected representatives handle such offenses is therefore a test of their concern for the common good. If they act, or refuse to act, based solely on whether by doing so they advance their personal or factional agenda, they show their contempt for the well-being of the nation as a whole. They thereby prove themselves unfit for the offices (duties) they hold, whether or not they are ever called to account for their dereliction.”
Get “Taking America Back,” Joseph Farah’s manifesto for sovereignty, self-reliance and moral renewal
Polls have revealed American support for impeachment is growing, and rock legend and gun-rights defender Ted Nugent said there’s “no question” Obama should be impeached.
Referring to Obama, Nugent says: “There’s no question that this guy’s violations qualify for impeachment. There’s no question.”
He blasted “the criminality of this government, the unprecedented abuse of power, corruption, fraud and deceit by the Chicago gangster-scammer-ACORN-in-chief.”
“It’s so diabolical,” he said.
Nugent made his comments in an interview with radio host Alex Jones.
On WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Benjamin affirmed she believes the drone warfare is an impeachable offense.
A video from a forum featuring candidates for Chambliss’ seat shows Broun and two others, Derrick Grayson, an engineer, and Eugene Yu, a businessman, raising their hands when asked whether they would support impeachment.
A forum moderator asked the candidates: “Obama has perjured himself on multiple occasions. Would you support impeachment if presented for a vote?”
Broun, Grayson and Yu raised their hands.
Others who have commented on impeachment:
Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa; Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas; Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas; Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas; Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.; Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla.; Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Mich.; Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas; Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.; Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah; Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla.; and Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla.
Stockman even handed out in Congress copies of a book that has been described by its authors as the “articles of impeachment” for Barack Obama. Stockman suggested that special investigations and possibly prosecutions are needed in response to Fast and Furious, Benghazi and other Obama scandals.
Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas, was speaking at a town hall meeting when he considered the idea. A video of his comments was posted at the Western Center for Journalism.
“I’ve looked at the president. I think he’s violated the Constitution. I think he’s violated the Bill of Rights,” he said.
“I think if the House had an impeachment vote, it would probably impeach the president.”
But he noted there are only 46 members of the GOP in the U.S. Senate, where an impeached president would be put on trial.
To obtain a conviction, the prosecuting team must have 67 votes, and he wasn’t sure even all of the GOP members would vote to convict.
Speaking at the Muskogee Civic Center in Oklahoma, the senator said, “What you have to do is you have to establish the criteria that would qualify for proceedings against the president, and that’s called impeachment.”
Coburn said it’s “not something you take lightly, and you have to use a historical precedent of what that means.”
Visit WND’s online Impeachment Store to see all the products related to ousting Obama.
Bentivolio told the Birmingham Bloomfield Republican Club Meeting, “You know, if I could write that bill and submit it, it would be a dream come true.”
He told constituents: “I feel your pain and I know. I stood 12 feet away from that guy and listened to him, and I couldn’t stand being there. But because he is president I have to respect the office. That’s my job as a congressman. I respect the office.”
Bentivolio said his experience with the president caused him to consult with attorneys about what it would take to remove Obama from office.
Cruz responded to a question about impeachment after a speech.
“It’s a good question,” Cruz said. “And I’ll tell you the simplest answer: To successfully impeach a president you need the votes in the U.S. Senate.”
He told listeners of “The Rusty Humphries Show”: “Of all the great cover-ups in history – the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra, Watergate, all the rest of them – this … is going to go down as the most egregious cover-up in American history.”
But even with that searing indictment, Inhofe stopped short of calling for impeachment.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, has offered tentative support for impeachment.
“I’m not willing to take it off the table, but that’s certainly not what we’re striving for,” he told CNN.
One Republican actually has come out and called for the impeachment of Obama, and he did it more than two years ago, before he became a congressman.
Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., posted on his website in June 2011 a list of reasons for impeachment.
Other figures who have discussed impeachment include Glenn Beck, Watergate investigative reporter Bob Woodward, WND columnist Nat Hentoff and a panel of top constitutional experts.
Woodward said: “If you read through all these emails, you see that everyone in the government is saying, ‘Oh, let’s not tell the public that terrorists were involved, people connected to al Qaida. Let’s not tell the public that there were warnings.’ And I have to go back 40 years to Watergate when Nixon put out his edited transcripts to the conversations, and he personally went through them and said, ‘Oh, let’s not tell this, let’s not show this.’ I would not dismiss Benghazi. It’s a very serious issue.”
Additionally, radio host Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor and one-time presidential candidate, predicted Obama won’t serve out his second term because of his complicity in a cover-up over Benghazi.
See Dennis Kucinich advocate for impeachment over Libya:
Mass Fish Deaths: Millions Have Been Found Dead All Over The World In The Past Month
Mass Fish Deaths: Millions Have Been Found Dead All Over The World In The Past Month
Millions of fish are suddenly dying all over the planet. In fact, there have been dozens of mass fish death events reported in the past month alone. So why is this happening? Why are fish dying in unprecedented numbers all over the world? When more than six tons of fish died in Marina Del Rayover the weekend, it made headlines all over the United States. But the truth is that what just happened off the southern California coast is just the tip of the iceberg. In 2014, mass fish die-offs have pretty much become a daily event globally. Individually, each event could perhaps be dismissed as an anomaly, but as you will see below when they are all put together into one list it truly is rather stunning. So is there a reason why so many fish are dying? Is there something that connects these mass fish death events? Has something about our environment changed? The following are just a few examples of the mass fish death reports that have been coming in day after day from all over the globe…
*In April, 500,000 carp were found “floating belly-up in Kentucky’s Cumberland River“.
*Over the weekend, thousands upon thousands of fish died just off the southern California coastline…
California Fish and Wildlife workers are still scooping dead sea life from the surface of the harbor Monday after thousands of dead anchovies, stingrays and even an octopus died and floated up over the weekend.So far officials have cleaned up 6 tons of dead fish, and they still have a long way to go.
*The death of approximately 35,000 fish up in Minnesota is being blamed on a “lack of oxygen“.
*The recent die off of thousands of fish in the Shark River near Belmar, New Jersey is also being blamed on “oxygen depletion“.
*Officials in Menifee, California are still trying to figure out what caused the death of thousands of fish in Menifee Lake a few weeks ago…
Authorities continued testing the water in Menifee Lake Friday after thousands of dead fish have been seen floating since last weekend.*In the Gulf of Mexico, dolphins and sea turtles are dying “in record numbers“.
Menifee city officials first heard reports Saturday of floating fish at the lake, which is located on private property about a half-mile east of the 215 Freeway.
*Maryland officials are still puzzled by the death of 7,000 Atlantic menhadenlast month…
State environmental scientists are investigating the cause of a fish kill that left about 7,000 dead Atlantic menhaden in waters that include the Inner Harbor and Fells Point.*Mass fish die-offs in Lake Champlain up in Vermont are being called “the new normal” by government officials.
Jay Apperson, spokesman for the Maryland Department of the Environment, said that biologists went by boat on Tuesday to the area of Monday’s fish kill. He says the area extended from the mouth of the Patapsco River, up the Baltimore Harbor to Fells Point and Fort McHenry.
*Along the coast of northern California, seals and young sea lions are dying “in record numbers“.
*Three months ago, farmers in Singapore lost 160 tons of fish to a mass die-off event.
*Back in September, approximately 40 kilometers of the Fuhe River in China “was covered with dead fish“.
*Also during last September, close to ten tons of dead fish were found floating on a lake near the town of Komotini, Greece.
The following are some more examples of mass fish death events from just the past several weeks that come from a list compiled on another website…
17th May 2014 – Masses of fish turn up dead in a marina in Pultneyville, New York, America. Link
16th May 2014 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Aragatsotn, Armenia. Link
15th May 2014 – Hundreds of fish dying off ‘due to pollution’ in the wetlands of Rewalsar, India. Link
14th May 2014 – Thousands of dead fish washing ashore in Cootes Paradise, Hamilton, Canada. Link
13th May 2014 – Tens of thousands of dead fish wash up along coast of Tasmania, Australia. Link
12th May 2014 – Mass death of fish in the river Eden ‘is a mystery’ in Cumbria,England. Link
11th May 2014 – Thousands of dead Puffer Fish, also dead turtles washing up on various beaches in Colombia and Costa Rica. Link and here
11th May 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond is ‘a mystery’ in Southborough, England. Link
10th May 2014 – Thousands of fish dead due to pollution in spring in Sikkim,India. Link
9th May 2014 – Die off of Fish ’causes panic’ in the Luda Yana River in Bulgaria.Link
8th May 2014 – Thousands of dead fish appear in a lake ‘shock residents’ in Mangalore, India. Link
8th May 2014 – 12 TONS of dead fish removed from lakes in Chisago County, Minnesota, America. Link
7th May 2014 – Massive die off of fish in reservoirs in Quanzhou, China. Link
7th May 2014 – Thousands of fish found dead on the shores of Roatan,Honduras. Link
5th May 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach ‘a mystery’ in San Antonio Oeste, Argentina. Link
5th May 2014 – Mass death of fish found in lakes in Almindingen, Denmark.Link
4th May 2014 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Fujian, China. Link
3rd May 2014 – 1,000+ dead fish wash ashore along a lake in Ontario, Canada.Link
2nd May 2014 – 40,000 fish die suddenly in a dam in Piaui, Brazil. Link
30th April 2014 – Mass fish kill ‘worst I’ve seen in 26 years of working here’ in Iowa, America. Link
30th April 2014 – Large amount of dead fish found floating along a river in Xiasha District, China. Link
29th April 2014 – Dozens of sea turtles are washing up dead in South Mississippi,America. Link
29th April 2014 – Thousands of dead fish washing up along the shores of Lakes in Wisconsin, America. Link
28th April 2014 – Turtles and other marine life continue to wash up dead in Bari,Italy. Link
28th April 2014 – Large fish kill found in the Mogi River in Brazil. Link
25th April 2014 – Large fish kill found in a reservoir in Nanchong, China. Link
24th April 2014 – Large amount of fish wash up dead along a river in La Chorrera, Panama. Link
23rd April 2014 – 2 Million fish found dead in a dam in Tehran, Iran. Link
23rd April 2014 – Mass die off of fish in Island lake in Ontario, Canada. Link
23rd April 2014 – Thousands of dead fish appear in a lake in Mudanjiang, China.Link
22nd April 2014 – 1,000 fish found dead in Oona River, County Tyrone,Northern Ireland. Link
21st April 2014 – Large amounts of fish washing up dead along the Panchganga River in India. Link
19th April 2014 – MILLIONS of dead fish found floating in Thondamanaru Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Link
And remember, this list represents events that have happened in just a little over the past month.
So what is causing all of these mass fish death events?
Please feel free to share your opinion by posting a comment below…
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Please, call all radio shows: Savage, Limbaugh, Levine, announce that June 14 11:30, protest against Obama in Anaheim Ca before his inauguration speech
Please, call all radio shows: Savage, Limbaugh, Levine, announce that June 14 11:30, protest against Obama in Anaheim Ca before his inauguration speech
Posted on | June 7, 2014 | No Comments
Press release:Law Offices of Orly Taitz
Public is asked to call different radio shows and spread the word, protest Barack Obama before his inauguration speech for UCI students. Protest 11:30-2:30 state College and Gene Autry Dr. in Anaheim CA, by the Anaheim stadium
Please, tell Obama what do you think about his exchange of 5 top terrorists for 1 deserter, abuses by the IRS, DOJ, NSA VA.
You are hard pressed to find one government agency not engulfed in a scandal, in fraud, falsification of records, abuse of power and complete lawlessness, complete disrespect of the law.
June 14 protest against Obama
We desperately need you to be there and take a stand. Join us on Saturday June 14, bring your signs and banners, bring your kids, bring your pets, bring your lunch and picnic item. Obama needs to know that we care about this country. UCI students, who will hear Obama’s commencement speech, need to know that we care, that abuses by Obama regime and federal government will not go unchecked.
If you have a group of 50 people or more and need help with transportation, call Orly Taitz 949-683-5411 or e-mail her at Defend Our Freedoms foundation will assist with the fee of renting a buss to bring people to the protest. If you are a small group, we will try to find a ride share for you.
Obama is using stolen SSN: CT Social security number 042-68-4425 …
15 hours ago – 29 posts – 8 authors
Orly Taitz,
A Russian immigrant, should run for president. She is braver than every
man in America, apparently. Including the rambos who run around the
Middle …
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